Saturday, August 18, 2012

Book Review By Kids, For Kids

Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary
Review by Olivia, 9-Years-Old

This book is so good I would give it four thumbs up! The story is about two sisters fighting all the time. Little Ramona has a habit of doing the most annoying things, which makes her older sister Beezus furious.

Ramona is always getting on Beezus's nerves. When Ramona doesn't get her way she throws a tantrum. When Beezus and her friend Harry are playing checkers, Ramona rides her tricycle as fast as she can through their game. Ramona invites all her little playmates to a party at her house, without her mom's permission. When I was reading the part about Ramona dragging a string behind her, pretending that there was a lizard named Ralph, it really made me giggle. My favorite part of the book is when Ramona ruins two of her sister's birthday cake and her grandmother has to get another one.

When I read this book I began to wonder if Beezus and Ramona would ever quit fighting. Ramona reminds me of my cousin, Jillian who is three and Beezus reminds me of myself because I am always yelling at my cousin. Once a book got ripped and Jillian said I had done it. This was like when Ramona scribbled her name in a library book and she said Beezus was the meanest sister.

I would recommend this book for third graders and up to sixth grade for those who enjoy funny books. The author makes you want to discover what will happen between Beezus and Ramona. So why don't you check out the book?

If you care for a child that is old enough to write a book report be sure to let us know. We can post it on our blog on a Saturday! Email their book report to Stephanie @ bestnannynewsletter . com

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